Monday, June 9, 2008

World Market Italy All Natural Pomegranate Soda With Pomegranate Juice

World Market is trying to confuse you.

Get this, the name of their bottled pomegranate product is:

World Market Italy All Natural Pomegranate Soda With Pomegranate Juice

What? Huh? Pomegranate Soda WITH Pomegranate Juice?

I say if they need to print on the label that it's Pomegranate Soda with Pomegranate Juice then that's really not too far from just hanging up a huge sign that reads "Hey you, customer...we think you're none too smart in the thinks department. Give us money." Which is sad, because World Market it actually a pretty spiffy place with clean bathrooms.

Then they paste ITALY on the label in a rectangular box at an angle because the heady muckety-muck at World Market world domination headquarters thinks you'll think it's stamped on there when it was imported and put on the ship. In fact, I believe they would have put the world imported on there instead but just wanted to save ink.

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