Friday, June 20, 2008

The Republic of Tea Pomegranate Green Tea Unsweetened

In the South you have to ask for unsweetened tea. In the North all tea is unsweetened so they leave sugar packets on the table for you to figure it out. I like the fact that The Republic of Tea has decided it's up to me to sweeten their fluid or not. I'm sure it's about the same either way but at least they leave that choice to me. That's the awesome power of responsibility that is being an adult. Ahh, I can just smell my own authority. I own me. But, here's what's curious: They also sell this stuff in unbleached tea bags. I wanna know why that can of tea bags isn't called "Pomegranate Green Tea Unhydrated". Yes, I'm making that word up. I wonder how they dry and powder the pomegranate juice in the tea bags. Maybe it's just semi-dehydrated chunks of the stuff. Gack.

In summary: The Republic Of Tea makes tea. Pomegranates are the latest fruit-health-food-foreign craze. Val-la! Instant marketable product. Now, if they only sold the liquid tea in "un-outgassing" plastic bottles.

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