Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Welch's White Grape Pomegranate Juice

I still think of someone reneging on a bet when I see this company name. Maybe it started out that way:

"Lets make some pomegranate juice thing. All the cool companies are doing it."
"But how can we leverage our corporate brand voice in this emerging marketspace?"
"Mix it with something familiar yet unfamiliar."
"Brilliant, like what?"
"What? No one likes Mango juice."
"But, it's not....aarrh. We can get grape juice in bulk. What about grapes?"
"White grapes so it has a slightly sinister feel to it."
"Sure. If it makes sense to you."
"Yes, that would maximize our verticality in this sector and possibly ensure profit stability in pomegranate trending should it ever begin to transition."

SuitJuice™, that's all pomegranate juice is.

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