Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Essence of Beauty's Six Pomegranate Apple Products

Well, actually it's seven Pomegranate Apple Products.

01) Shower Gel
02) Body Lotion
03) Body Cream
04) Hand Cream
05) 100% Soy Lotion Candle
06) Hand Soap

07) Lip Balm

That's seven products from one fruit from one company (I think Essence of Beauty is from some drug store like Walgreen's or CVS, I can't remember but this stuff is ESSENTIAL for your beauty!) and Pomegranate Watch's first post with two photos I think. I don't really pay attention to stuff like that but it looks convincing in the copy here.

I guess your pomegranate infused day is supposed to go something like this: Pop out of bed and hop in the shower to infuse your body with the invigorating power of Pomegranates with their Shower Gel, afterwards it's a soothing and smoothing rubdown with pomegranate infused Body Lotion so you smell as pomegranaty as you feel. Then it's off to work to brainslave™ away being creative and inspired in whatever endeavor you've committed your wonderful self to for 8-10 hours a day making the world a more smile-riffic place. After some hard thinktime you need to refresh with some Body Cream to sooth your aching bottom and hands with some Hand Cream.

Once the day is done and you've made the world brighter by as many lumens as you can (after all you're just one person) it's off to your tub/spa where you light your aromatherapeutic (wtf? that's really a word?) pomegranate infused candle to wash away your creative worries with all jets set to 8.

After a quick clean up with Pomegranate Hand Soap it's off to bed to dream about a vacation elsewhere and tempting strangers with kisses from your successful pomegranate infused Lip Balm.

You've successfully succumbed to the marketing forces as you sway in the capitalistic breeze of independence.

(I've noticed that when I drink I tend to write like a Choose Your Own Adventure Book.

If you agree, turn to page 96.
If you don't, turn to page 16.)

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