Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kagome 100% Juice Ruby Pomegranate Harmony

This pic was a little hard to make out, so I turned to the Great Gazoogle for a better image. Unfortunately, all of the results are an anime character in a school girl outfit. Those wild and wacky Japanese! So we're stuck with this image, sans half-naked Japanese chick. If you squint, you can see that this specimen is not merely a fruit juice beverage, oh no! It is half fruit, half veggie juice. This is nothing short of a watershed moment for me. All the juices out there that claim to be 100% juice, but have "filler" juices in them.....gak! What if the juices are not fruit or vegetable juices?!? "Natural Feelings 100% Juice Pomegranate Breeze"...made with 15% pomegranate juice and 85% hamster juice. Refreshing.

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