Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ice Breakers sugar-free Restore Pomegranate Lemon-aid Gum

Ice Breakers sugar-free Restore Pomegranate Lemon-aid Gum with vitamin C and zinc.

On one hand there's a Pomegranate, on the other a lemon. And there in the middle is a very happy Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings reject from Simon's later introverted period. I guess the thinking here is to be able to have pomegranates on the go, in your mouth, during the day. Plus, there's really nothing like scraping pomegranate off the bottom of your shoe.

What I don't get is that there are two flavors here, Pomegranate and Lemon and then it reads it contains Natural and Artificial flavor...I wonder which is which.


(Thanks to Nukezone3 for the picture!)

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