A. This product has too many names.
B. It's liquid in a box.
C. This tips the CB of the bandwagon and has sent small innocent people flying into the moors.
Look, if you're thinking about buying liquid in a box that's called "Drinkables" that's all well and fine but frankly, it scares me. It says "LAB CERTIFIED" on the box. Did you see that? In my mind I imagine a white box with black lettering which reads "Contents: Food. Type: Edibles" which I'd probably buy anyway just for the box. LAB CERTIFIED!
This stuff has everything tossed into it with nothing original about it. It's the Limbo of the Lost of Pomegranate products. I don't even know what O.R.A.C is but I'm sure it's headquarters of something bad that's out to arch Dr. Venture or Clutch Cargo. And in case you didn't click the image there this box reads: "Plus 8 more fruits & herbals" and "Made with organic concentrates where noted" and if that doesn't worry you nothing will, not even actually playing Limbo of the Lost.
Fly you courageous.
(Thanks to Nukezone for the photo!)
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