Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lipton Tea Blueberry Pomegranate Iced Tea Mix To Go

Here's something that's just screaming Modern Convenience. Pomegranates and Blueberries. No, I'm just joking, it's Dehydrated Tea!

The label tells us that it has caffeine, anti-oxidants and...AND...get keeps you HYDRATED. How? From the water you add to it. Science rules!

If society as a whole is dumb enough to think that somehow buying powdered tea keeps you hydrated I hope Cloverfield was real, recorded 4 years from now and somehow fell through a wormhole back into time to our present.

We don't deserve to think anymore. Oh, and what does the Pomegranate in this product do? It sells more pomegranate products to those who are inclined to follow mass trending. I shudder to think of the day when Pomegranate is an overpriced designer label interior latex paint color. On that day, my soul will scream.

Understand this: Dehydrated Tea is just tea that someone made and left it out too long. Think about it.

(Thanks to Nukezone for the pic!)

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