Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fruitsense Pomegranate Blueberry Mangosteen

I don't know what the hell this crap is.

The label says it's Water (okay, I can drink and swim in that stuff), Fruit Juice (that goes in booze), Vitamins (like eating Betty or Wilma). Makes sense.

What juices pray-tell? Pomegranates, Blueberries and Mangosteens. Mangosteen? What the hell is that? Let's look it up:

The mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is a tropical evergreen tree, believed to have originated in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas.

Let's stop reading right there. This is TREE JUICE from a tree no one's sure where it came from. Have you heard of Moluccas? No, you haven't...stop pretending. Heck, it could be an evil alien space tree for all we know. It sure looks like one. No way I'm drinking the juice of an Evil Alien Space Tree. Sorry.

I see on the label Cardio CoQ 10 which roughly translates to DON'T DRINK THIS. Did you know there are more than one type of antioxidants? (aside from the natural and not-natural kind, that is). I didn't, but apparently this Evil Alien Space Tree Juice has type C and E antioxidants.

Just jog away from this mess.

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