Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Carrabbas Pomegranate Martini

Carrabbas is a restaurant kinda like Macaroni Grill. They both have dark intimate atmospheres, decent food, booze and trendy people enjoying trending things trendily. Imagine then, sitting down and discovering your favorite wow-that's-weird-I've-never-seen-that-before Fruitfad of the Moment staring back at you from the menu, as a martini, even.

At least there's some pomegranate (shhh, it's just flavored syrup) in this one, among the peach vodka, orange juice and Sprite. I guess it's more of a Grenadine Champagne Pomegranate Martini come to think of it. I'm sure it goes well with the olive and shrimp pesto lasagna tempura.

(Thanks to Nukezone for the photo!)

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