Monday, June 9, 2008

Belvoir Fruit Farms Pomegranate Raspberry Pressé

I've never heard of this company before and I have no idea what a Pressé is. To me -the typical dumb American- it sounds like press so it must be pressed pomegranates and raspberry juice in a fancy-smancy overpriced bottle that's imported.

The label is confusing to me as well. It looks homemade, like something Diane Keaton would make in 1987 and the idea of a paper strip sealing off it's fruity goodness like a "Sanitized For Your Protection" strip just makes me plum nervous. (Yes, it was really tempting to say pomegranate nervous there.)

Still when the label reads 100% Good Pressé you can't go wrong because you can not not trust advertising like that. At the bottom it reads "Gently Bubbling with Pomegranate and Raspberry Juice" which I'm sure you will be after tickling your nose with this non-alcoholic imported hoity-toity froo-froo drinky-winky.

Absurdly large photo of the stuff here.

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